This is a special page on this site available only to the guests of the shower and Inna’s & Jon’s family & friends. There is no link to it in the menu on the home page. Anyone with this URL will be able to see this page, but you will have to copy and paste the URL from this page to share it.
Please feel free to download any of these photos. With the image open, right-click and select “save image as…”
These files are small-sized for optimal use in social media and smart phones. If you wish to have any of these printed, I suggest you reach out to me either at 818.404.3810 or at so I can send you a larger version that is optimized for printing. Just identify the picture by the last four digits of the file name.
While you’re here, please feel free to browse my website in case you may be interested in a portrait or event shoot. I also do commercial photography (e.g., real estate, product, and business portraits) That portfolio can be accessed at my commercial site, I also do weddings and engagement shoots, but the website is still in development. If you’re interested in a wedding/engagement consultation, contact me directly to see my wedding/engagement portfolio.
Warmest regards,
Steven Sandler,
Ephemeral Muse Portfolio